Monday, December 29, 2008


WOW....Santa did visit me...but poor old Rudolf was too tired to pull the sleigh so he used our little Rambo and his cart to deliver all the presents to the children.....and ME. There he is...and look what he got me.

I didn't think he would give me a present after what I did to the poor old Gov.....BUT here I am in my lovely new turnout rug and hood...its so warm and keeps me nice and dry as I'm clipped out at the moment. I don't live out all the time, just during the day until the Gov. is well enough to ride me again. And look at old Sam the dog...he must be 16 or 17 years old now and totally deaf...he sleeps beside my stable and I' very fond of him.

BUT WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!!!!!

Why its my Mam...yes that's right......."I Saw Mammy Kissing Santa Clause, underneath the mistletoe" hang on...there's no mistletoe...she's just giving him a quick squeeze....hope the Gov. doesn't get to hear about this.......still there about the same age...both very ancient.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


YES...I'm ashamed of myself...I'm very, very sorry.......I didn't mean to do it...I really didn't.
Last week at the Riding Club evening I got rather excited and gave an almighty skip to the right...and the Gov came off me on the left......there he was on the floor of the riding arena in a heap and I just galloped around....sorry...sorry.....sorry.
He could not get up as he had the bone sticking out his arm....and I did it. The ambulance even came into the indoor arena and he got carried away on a stretcher......taken to hospital...and stayed the night to have his broken arm reset.
Now they are talking about sending me to the glue factory where they send useless old horses......I'm so frightened!!!!!!!!! The Gov. came in the stables today and showed me his arm in plaster...he has to have it on for at least 6 weeks...even longer if they decide to cut him open and use 6inch nails to hammer the bones you think he will ever forgive me?.....I love these stables......I don't want to go to the factory. Mam said that the Gov. was only saying that to frighten me...WELL...HE DID!!!!!!!!!!!
AND its Christmas tomorrow.....will Santa still come and visit me? I deserve a present?....I'm all worried and confused.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! SANTA'S COMING TO TOWN.........that's what Mam and the Gov. told me today...........and as I have been a good boy all year (cos I have...the odd bit doesn't count)...I get to choose what he will bring me.
Now where shall I that's a good start....a whole big bag of carrots........loads , and I mean LOADS, of extra strong XXX Mints......a nice new turnout rug with a neck cover for when I get to play in the fields.....and a years subscription of my favorite not Horse and Hound.....the nice glossy "Fab Fillies"...all those lovely young horses frolicking in the fields...Ahhhhhhhh.

Don't think it will all fit into my sock....Santa will have to leave the gifts beside the stable door...its got my name on it so he won't get confused as he's getting on a bit now.

Everyone in the stable is getting excited about Santa coming....just look at those 2 little farts of ponies all dressed up in their "Sheepie" rugs and tinsel.....what exciting times...just hope he don't think he will forget do you?

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Let me introduce you to my favorite cat...Fluffy Knickers...yes,
that's really her name...even the vet calls her that. The Gov. and Mam have 4 cats...but she's the best. She came to us after some crule person abandoned her along our lane......and as you can guess, they took her in....they'r a bit soft like that.
She lives with me in our stable and when she is not sitting on my stable wall she goes to sleep in the Museum next door on my lovely 1896 Beaufort cart.
Now I would never hurt her.....well yes, I will try to give the Gov. and Mam a quick bite...a sloppy kiss actually....and yes I do nip those two little midget ponies...well its my job to keep them in order and show them who's the boss.......BUT I would never dream of biting Fluffy Knics.
All stables should have a cat...I still miss Suzie...she used to jump on my back and go to sleep.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


These are some photos showing you just what a pretty part of Ireland I live in.......winding country lanes, gently sloping hills, lakes....all very idyllic, except cars and inconsiderate drivers.

So the other day the Gov. came up with a good idea (unusual for him) ask the council if they could put up signs warning motorists of HORSES AHEAD and to SLOW DOWN along the road where we usually get taken for our exercise. Now that seems sensible to me don't you agree?.......Yes the Gov. asked an official from Cavan County Council if this could be done.

His answer was NO! ....there was no way that the council would entertain such an idea....AND WHY?........he explained that horses being ridden on the road was the same as cows straying on the road.......if there is any accident the motorist just sues the owner of the animal..........WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT???????? The idea is to prevent accidents....not to line the pockets of solicitors (oops, sorry if you are one) as they throw writs about.
SO THAT'S IT.....this council regards us majestic creatures in the same way as they do an ugly old cow....the nerve of it!!!!! but that's Cavan County Council for you....I think we deserve better.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


YES THAT'S RIGHT.....I've been elected as the Public Relation Officer of our Riding Club.....I got proposed at the AGM this week....YES me elected to office!!!!!!.....although as I'm so busy I am going to ask the Gov for some help. What will I have to do I hear you ask.......well its now my job to tell as many people as possible just what a great bunch of horses we are......YES.... OK our riders aren't bad either. So here is a selection of photos of what we did during the past year.......a weekend to Castle Leslie....riding on the beach....Elvis revisited...Xmas party...what a happy group we are.

Do you know I think I'm going to get used to doing in a place of office...just think what I could do higher government even....the'r are some real duffers in the Irish government.....I'm sure I could do better.

The government wanted to save some money, so what did they do?....take away old people's medical cards (for those of you not living in Ireland, they stoped free medical as a right to all people over 70....YES really...) AND save on teachers by increasing class sizes to 50 kids...there told you there were some duffers out there.

SO what would I do to put things to rights?.........well for the oldies I would give reduced cost of riding lessons to ALL pensioners.......and introduce riding lessons into the school curriculum.....there told you I could make a difference........YES come the next election you know what to do.........VOTE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So if you would like to join our happy band of members phone Mam on 086 8775791 as she is the Sec. (I think the Gov. calls her Moira )

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I'm so sad....I'm not going to get the chance to be a cowboy this barrel big yippie hio' big jangly spurs...actually that's just as well as I saw the Gov. sharpen them up to use on me!!!!!! NO, the cowboys are not coming here from the Wild West.......well from Sligo and Donegal actually....but that's pretty wild at times. Evidently they had something else on....maby next spring as I was looking forward to doing my chasing after Indians bit.

BUT whose that I see in the picture above...he seems familiar with his Sheriffs badge on....yes it's know the guy who became the President of the USA in his not Bush ......he was a different type of cowboy....yes you know him...why its Ronnie Regan riding away from Sligo...I hear its bad there some Saturday nights.

Guess snowed here last week...not enough for a snowball fight...but it was snow. These are 2 photos of the snow last year ...doesn't the garden look lovely.....and just look at that daft dog Sam.
Must go now....I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas....actually I prefer 'Granny got run over by a Reindeer'.

Monday, November 3, 2008


I told you so....something was going on at our stables with the Gov. hammering and sawing all the time.

YES I was right....we have a new addition to the stables...she is called Solero...and she's new girlfriend. AND as she is a few years older then me , I suppose that makes me a isn't it!!!! They say that blonds have more fun.......just wait till I get my hooves on her!!
She came from Calliaghstown Equestrian Centre in Kildare and she even came with ANOTHER pony. Evidently Mam rode her several years ago and had always wanted to own her...and here she is in her new home.

The photo on the right is her being ridden for the last time at Calliaghstown by her groom Ciara who popped her over a few jumps before she see is mine...all very own Blondie.

So here we all are happy in our and Blondie.
Did I say that there is another new arrival in the stables?....well I'll tell you about that later in the for now......well I must go as I have a special date with this beautiful blond.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Haven't got out the stable much this week as its rained hard all week....o well it is Ireland..the Emerald Isle....Cavan Lakelands...more like the Land of the Bog recently!!!! Did get out to the Riding Club night at Drumcoura though ....its great there...indoor school...loads jumps...then Mam and the Gov. go off to the bar. Here are some pics of the Cowboy decor in the Saloon Bar...makes you want to saddle up.....get your best woman by your side...and head off into the West singing A Four Legged Friend ........actually that what that daft sod the Gov. does!!HA HA HA!!!

NOW THEN........funny things are going on in my stable recently........the Gov. has been busy with his saw and drill and hammer and fact he is up and down his ladder like a yo-yo.....whats he doing? He cut the hay shed door in half now looks like a stable door....BUT we don't need another you think that it could be for another h.....NO can't be..........or could it?????????

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Now here I am lying down in my stable enjoying a hard earned rest......and all I get from the Gov. is how WE are going to be cowboys in a few weeks time. Whats this WE business? The Gov. is going to be the one dressing up....not me!!! He has even gone out and bought a Gene Autry know, he's the singing cowboy....the Gov. has even started singing Back in the Saddle Again to me when out hacking.......I'm getting a little worried about him recently.
He came into the stable the other day to take a photo of me with a daft cowboy hat on and a red scarf to go around my neck.....the nerve of it. NO WAY was I going to demean myself in that way.
Then he offered me a mint if I would pose for him.....Hoof It I told him....thinks he can buy me for an odd mint. Then he offered me double rations for a week to pose.....well lets not be too hasty about these things you know.....its not completely wrong to do a little dressing up from time to could be worse.......I heard it said that the Gov. once dressed up as kidding. BUT if he thinks I would demean myself to dress up as a pink dinasawr....HA....NO WAY.....but as a cowboy.....mmmmmmmm...maby.

Monday, October 13, 2008


There I was getting ready for my evening meal when....a new friend arrived. Out of the blue he came ........goodness knows from where...he just walked into the yard. That's a photo of him....he is a miniature pony...and a stallion!!!!...but a very quiet and sweet natured chap.
The Gov. and Mam put him in the field as no one knew where he had come from...its a bit like that in this part of Ireland....ponies do tend to wander around. Not knowing anything about him they called him in Cuddly let no one say I'm fat...he was huge!!
Next day, after a lot of phoning around his owner came to collect him....then another....and another...just how many lost stallions are there walking around these lanes? Anyway he is gone now....but I have a funny feeling he will return as Arney would say.
Went to the Riding Club evening this week ...and guess what I did?....barrel racing....never done it before....never knew what it was...but its fun.
AND in a few weeks time I'm going to be a cowboy...well the Gov. is actually. YES I'm going to do all those things that proper cowboy horses do and have all the know big hats, checked shirts, kinky boots, big sharp jangley I think we will forget those!!!
First though I have to go round the barrels a bit faster.....just watch be continued.....

Sunday, October 5, 2008


After all the excitement of the last three weekends, driving, sea side and hunting, this weekend I get a short rest.....but to keep me on my toes I get ridden most days....hacking out around the local countryside. That's Bess and me in our field...just look at those hills!!!! NOT HOWEVER AS THEY MAY somewhere in those hills there lies the Tullyvella Beast. According to ancient Celtic legends there was this monster with a long tail who came down from the North of Ireland causing havoc and mayhem as he passed through the villages....creepy isn't it? The story I'm not making it up....that when he got to our area he felt sleepy and crawled under a huge stone and had a nap......and there he remained to this day ready to emerge once more and continue his terrifying journey.......told you it was creepy!!!!

Now the Gov. likes to do a bit of drawing and painting and he drew this picture of the beast...some call him CROM or Crom the the monster not the Gov.
Well what do you you believe that there are monsters out there? they look like this?.......and am I likely to come across him when I'm out being ridden or driven?.......or is this all a load of makey up nonsense to boost the Irish tourist trade?
All I know is that I do get a sort of funny feeling when I go past the large hills near my of course the fact that I do like to tell scary stories....and it is Halloween soon......AHHHHHHHHHH
(If you want to see more of the Gov.'s artwork then visit his new web site .......there I've given him a plug he owes me the mints he promised me)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


WOW!!!....what a great time we had last Sunday. I got to go out hunting for the first time....not furry foxes, this was a drag hunt. It was run by the South Leitrim Harriers at Haydon's Equestrian Centre and was the first of the season. I jumped 30-40 fences and cleared them all...great fun.....mind you, after the first 15 the Gov. stopped and offered his hip flask to other riders for a swig......told me it was him being sociable. was so he could get his breath back....he was knackered.....I think he is getting too old for all of this. BUT ME...I was fine...but then I am in my PRIME. Bess and Mam came too...that's a pic of us chatting before we went off...she has been lots of times so gave he some advice....such as don't dump your rider or else you only get half rations for a week. WHAT!!!!.... cut down on my food?After we got back in one piece the Gov. gave me a rather nice surprise...a bottle of beer...yes that's him giving me a Budweiser...maby he is not so bad after all.

So the Gov. and myself have come to an arrangement.....I promise not to drop him at a fence on purpose...his stupid fault if he mis times a jump.....and he promises me extra feed and a bottle of beer after each hunt.

Friday, September 26, 2008


I do love the seaside....all those golden sands....sunny skys....crashing waves...and the chance to dump the Gov. in the water. Didn't manage it this time.....must try harder next time at the beach. The Gov. and Mam take me and Bess regularly to Murvagh Beach in Co. Donegal and last Sunday they packed a picnic and the 2 Jack Russels and off we went. Now at this time of the year it can start to get a git cold when riding in the sea...but not too cold yet...EXCEPT when the cold water first hits your willie....AHHHHHHH...its OK after that.

What a happy lot we are...that's me and the Gov. on the left, my friend Annette on Silver in the middle and Mam on Bess on the right......OH and that's Tom on foot behind us....I like him...think I'll let him ride me one day. will never guess what they did after the ride.....they put their coseys on and went for a swim themselves....said they found it bracing. I'm very sorry that I don't have any photos of them shivering in their THAT would be a good laugh......Ha Ha Ha.
Am really looking forward to this Sunday as the Gov. is taking me drag hunting for the first ther's a great chance to have a good gallop...jump a few fences...and drop the on next week!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Start 'em young and how you mean to go on, that's what I say. AND just look at this.....its Nigel the Gov.'s son with baby Jack introducing him to a fellow how sensible can you get? The horse is called Squire and he is a real cob.....not one of those skinny, twiggy ponies or thoroughbreds......YES a proper horse. He owns Nigel and the other way around....people were put on this earth to look after horses and groom them.......and feed them. I like Sharron....she's my kind of person....I even let her drive me when she came to see me last year....YES, I think they look a very happy family, but before Jack is strong enough to ride a proper horse like us I think he needs a small lead rein pony to learn to ride...maby when he comes to visit me he can ride one of the little farts that live in the next stable. Looking forward to seeing you Jack.........oh YES ....and Nigel and Sharron.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Had a really great weekend as some of my friends came to see me and the Gov. drove me around the beautiful lanes near where I live. My Mam drove her jeep in front to warn any cars that it was a driving horse outing. Ther's a pic the Gov. took as he was driving and during the day Chris, Annette and their lads Tom and Conor all took turns to sit up top and drive me. The Gov. and Mam were so proud of me that I had introduced 4 people to carriage driving.

During the drive we stopped to allow us to rest while the drivers had white wine spritzers and sandwiches................the nerve of it.............not a carrot or sugar lump in sight!!!

Then when we got back to our nice warm stables, guess what the did to all of us?................gave us a cold hosing to wash all the sweat off..............AHHHH

Here's my favourite pic of the day with Chris driving me for the first time with the Gov. beside him. He has ridden me at Riding Club evenings...but never driven me. Wasn't I well behaved!!!!! just wait till the Gov. gets on me next time...ha ha ha.

Friday, September 5, 2008


I told you that I had hear a rumour.......well its true....Elvis is alive and played in Enniskillen last week.
AND GUESS WHAT? our Riding Club went along to see him....even had their picture taken with him. Doesn't he look well.....I suspect it all down to botox.
But just look at our Riding Club members........what a rum looking bunch.
Now tell me if I've got it wrong, BUT, I thought that the purpose of a Riding Club was to organise club nights when I would be taken out to frolic with my friends, jump a few jumps, put the odd buck in when our riders least expected them....then to be taken home to our nice warm stables with lots of food. Now I've discussed this with my other four legged friends and they all agree with whats this then. Let them loose for a night and what do they do.......go and see the King while we have to wait for our late night hay.......its disgusting!!!
Mind you I have my doubts about thea's a guy who works down the chip shop swears h'is Elvis...........................

Monday, September 1, 2008


Had a great weekend as members of the Leitrim Pony Club came to our village to see me....yes theres me on the left of the above picture as I took them out for a ride around the countryside. I love going through the woods and I think my little friends did as well. Mam took charge of one ride while I took the FAST ride and cantered along the lanes.
Being the good sort of horse that I am, I called in at the village shop with my little followers and got sweets for everyone.....then back to the horseboxes for a picnic.
After that the Gov. and Mam gave them a tour of the museum...well they are old relics its sort of right that they should.
And afterwards I heard an odd rumour.....something about Elvis being alive and well and being in Ireland.........NO NEVER.....DON'T BELIEVE IT.........NONSENCE....prove it I said.
Anyway its off to a Long Distance Ride at a lovely National Trust park tomorrow look out for more pics later this week.....and as for Elvis.........HA!!......DON'T BELIEVE A WORD OF IT.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Every six weeks or so I get to have a new set of shoes, although sometimes I just get the old ones nailed back on. dosn't hurt even though the farrier uses sharp nails to fix them on....but before they are fitted he trims my feet shorter so I wont trip up. I like my farrier, he's called Brian O'Brian and fits studs in my shoes...just like Rooney and Ronaldo have in their football boots...but a bit smaller. This is great as it gives me better grip on the road especially when I'm driving. The dogs love eating the dead bits of me that Brian trims off......there's old Sam nibbling away beside all the shoeing tools. Poor od Sam...he's at least 16 years old....totally deaf now...came in the yard 14 years ago as a stray and never left...they'r good that way the Gov. and Mam ....thay take in unwanted animals if thay arive. Not me...they bought me!!!
Looking forward to this weekend as the Leitrim Pony Club are all coming to see me and bringing their ponies with them...and I get to lead them on a nice fast ride around the village...the Gov. say's its got to be a steady ride .......BUT I feel so excited I might forget.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


It's that time of the year again when you get inflicted with other peoples holiday pics. Us horses have to suffer too you the Gov. and Mam came in the stable so excited and showed me how they had spent their time in a hot sunny land far away from the rain of Ireland...the nerve of it!!!
There's the Gov. sitting on some daft creature and looking as though he is enjoying it...just look at the face on the camel...horrible.
AND guess what he brought home as a souvenir? a muzzle from that beast...says its for their had better be. I don't do muzzles......I don't bite...I give kisses...I give big kisses....I even give big sloppy wet kisses....BUT I DON'T BIT.


I get sent away to the local riding school where it rains most of the time, and what do the Gov. and Mam do? off on their hols , enjoy 100 degree sun and play around with this weird looking horse!
No wonder they are at arms length....the ugly brute looks grumpy and ready to bite.....think he needs that muzzle.
ARRG!!!!! ugly creature