Monday, October 13, 2008


There I was getting ready for my evening meal when....a new friend arrived. Out of the blue he came ........goodness knows from where...he just walked into the yard. That's a photo of him....he is a miniature pony...and a stallion!!!!...but a very quiet and sweet natured chap.
The Gov. and Mam put him in the field as no one knew where he had come from...its a bit like that in this part of Ireland....ponies do tend to wander around. Not knowing anything about him they called him in Cuddly let no one say I'm fat...he was huge!!
Next day, after a lot of phoning around his owner came to collect him....then another....and another...just how many lost stallions are there walking around these lanes? Anyway he is gone now....but I have a funny feeling he will return as Arney would say.
Went to the Riding Club evening this week ...and guess what I did?....barrel racing....never done it before....never knew what it was...but its fun.
AND in a few weeks time I'm going to be a cowboy...well the Gov. is actually. YES I'm going to do all those things that proper cowboy horses do and have all the know big hats, checked shirts, kinky boots, big sharp jangley I think we will forget those!!!
First though I have to go round the barrels a bit faster.....just watch be continued.....

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