Tuesday, September 30, 2008


WOW!!!....what a great time we had last Sunday. I got to go out hunting for the first time....not furry foxes, this was a drag hunt. It was run by the South Leitrim Harriers at Haydon's Equestrian Centre and was the first of the season. I jumped 30-40 fences and cleared them all...great fun.....mind you, after the first 15 the Gov. stopped and offered his hip flask to other riders for a swig......told me it was him being sociable. HAH......it was so he could get his breath back....he was knackered.....I think he is getting too old for all of this. BUT ME...I was fine...but then I am in my PRIME. Bess and Mam came too...that's a pic of us chatting before we went off...she has been lots of times so gave he some advice....such as don't dump your rider or else you only get half rations for a week. WHAT!!!!.... cut down on my food?After we got back in one piece the Gov. gave me a rather nice surprise...a bottle of beer...yes that's him giving me a Budweiser...maby he is not so bad after all.

So the Gov. and myself have come to an arrangement.....I promise not to drop him at a fence on purpose...his stupid fault if he mis times a jump.....and he promises me extra feed and a bottle of beer after each hunt.

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