Tuesday, September 30, 2008


WOW!!!....what a great time we had last Sunday. I got to go out hunting for the first time....not furry foxes, this was a drag hunt. It was run by the South Leitrim Harriers at Haydon's Equestrian Centre and was the first of the season. I jumped 30-40 fences and cleared them all...great fun.....mind you, after the first 15 the Gov. stopped and offered his hip flask to other riders for a swig......told me it was him being sociable. HAH......it was so he could get his breath back....he was knackered.....I think he is getting too old for all of this. BUT ME...I was fine...but then I am in my PRIME. Bess and Mam came too...that's a pic of us chatting before we went off...she has been lots of times so gave he some advice....such as don't dump your rider or else you only get half rations for a week. WHAT!!!!.... cut down on my food?After we got back in one piece the Gov. gave me a rather nice surprise...a bottle of beer...yes that's him giving me a Budweiser...maby he is not so bad after all.

So the Gov. and myself have come to an arrangement.....I promise not to drop him at a fence on purpose...his stupid fault if he mis times a jump.....and he promises me extra feed and a bottle of beer after each hunt.

Friday, September 26, 2008


I do love the seaside....all those golden sands....sunny skys....crashing waves...and the chance to dump the Gov. in the water. Didn't manage it this time.....must try harder next time at the beach. The Gov. and Mam take me and Bess regularly to Murvagh Beach in Co. Donegal and last Sunday they packed a picnic and the 2 Jack Russels and off we went. Now at this time of the year it can start to get a git cold when riding in the sea...but not too cold yet...EXCEPT when the cold water first hits your willie....AHHHHHHH...its OK after that.

What a happy lot we are...that's me and the Gov. on the left, my friend Annette on Silver in the middle and Mam on Bess on the right......OH and that's Tom on foot behind us....I like him...think I'll let him ride me one day. AND.....you will never guess what they did after the ride.....they put their coseys on and went for a swim themselves....said they found it bracing. I'm very sorry that I don't have any photos of them shivering in their coseys.....now THAT would be a good laugh......Ha Ha Ha.
Am really looking forward to this Sunday as the Gov. is taking me drag hunting for the first time....now ther's a great chance to have a good gallop...jump a few fences...and drop the Gov......read on next week!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Start 'em young and how you mean to go on, that's what I say. AND just look at this.....its Nigel the Gov.'s son with baby Jack introducing him to a fellow cob.......now how sensible can you get? The horse is called Squire and he is a real cob.....not one of those skinny, twiggy ponies or thoroughbreds......YES a proper horse. He owns Nigel and Sharron.......no....not the other way around....people were put on this earth to look after horses and groom them.......and feed them. I like Sharron....she's my kind of person....I even let her drive me when she came to see me last year....YES, I think they look a very happy family, but before Jack is strong enough to ride a proper horse like us I think he needs a small lead rein pony to learn to ride...maby when he comes to visit me he can ride one of the little farts that live in the next stable. Looking forward to seeing you Jack.........oh YES ....and Nigel and Sharron.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Had a really great weekend as some of my friends came to see me and the Gov. drove me around the beautiful lanes near where I live. My Mam drove her jeep in front to warn any cars that it was a driving horse outing. Ther's a pic the Gov. took as he was driving and during the day Chris, Annette and their lads Tom and Conor all took turns to sit up top and drive me. The Gov. and Mam were so proud of me that I had introduced 4 people to carriage driving.

During the drive we stopped to allow us to rest while the drivers had white wine spritzers and sandwiches................the nerve of it.............not a carrot or sugar lump in sight!!!

Then when we got back to our nice warm stables, guess what the did to all of us?................gave us a cold hosing to wash all the sweat off..............AHHHH

Here's my favourite pic of the day with Chris driving me for the first time with the Gov. beside him. He has ridden me at Riding Club evenings...but never driven me. Wasn't I well behaved!!!!! just wait till the Gov. gets on me next time...ha ha ha.

Friday, September 5, 2008


I told you that I had hear a rumour.......well its true....Elvis is alive and played in Enniskillen last week.
AND GUESS WHAT? our Riding Club went along to see him....even had their picture taken with him. Doesn't he look well.....I suspect it all down to botox.
But just look at our Riding Club members........what a rum looking bunch.
Now tell me if I've got it wrong, BUT, I thought that the purpose of a Riding Club was to organise club nights when I would be taken out to frolic with my friends, jump a few jumps, put the odd buck in when our riders least expected them....then to be taken home to our nice warm stables with lots of food. Now I've discussed this with my other four legged friends and they all agree with me.....so whats this then. Let them loose for a night and what do they do.......go and see the King while we have to wait for our late night hay.......its disgusting!!!
Mind you I have my doubts about him.........as thea's a guy who works down the chip shop swears h'is Elvis...........................

Monday, September 1, 2008


Had a great weekend as members of the Leitrim Pony Club came to our village to see me....yes theres me on the left of the above picture as I took them out for a ride around the countryside. I love going through the woods and I think my little friends did as well. Mam took charge of one ride while I took the FAST ride and cantered along the lanes.
Being the good sort of horse that I am, I called in at the village shop with my little followers and got sweets for everyone.....then back to the horseboxes for a picnic.
After that the Gov. and Mam gave them a tour of the museum...well they are old relics themselves...so its sort of right that they should.
And afterwards I heard an odd rumour.....something about Elvis being alive and well and being in Ireland.........NO NEVER.....DON'T BELIEVE IT.........NONSENCE....prove it I said.
Anyway its off to a Long Distance Ride at a lovely National Trust park tomorrow ....so look out for more pics later this week.....and as for Elvis.........HA!!......DON'T BELIEVE A WORD OF IT.