Monday, December 29, 2008


WOW....Santa did visit me...but poor old Rudolf was too tired to pull the sleigh so he used our little Rambo and his cart to deliver all the presents to the children.....and ME. There he is...and look what he got me.

I didn't think he would give me a present after what I did to the poor old Gov.....BUT here I am in my lovely new turnout rug and hood...its so warm and keeps me nice and dry as I'm clipped out at the moment. I don't live out all the time, just during the day until the Gov. is well enough to ride me again. And look at old Sam the dog...he must be 16 or 17 years old now and totally deaf...he sleeps beside my stable and I' very fond of him.

BUT WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!!!!!

Why its my Mam...yes that's right......."I Saw Mammy Kissing Santa Clause, underneath the mistletoe" hang on...there's no mistletoe...she's just giving him a quick squeeze....hope the Gov. doesn't get to hear about this.......still there about the same age...both very ancient.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


YES...I'm ashamed of myself...I'm very, very sorry.......I didn't mean to do it...I really didn't.
Last week at the Riding Club evening I got rather excited and gave an almighty skip to the right...and the Gov came off me on the left......there he was on the floor of the riding arena in a heap and I just galloped around....sorry...sorry.....sorry.
He could not get up as he had the bone sticking out his arm....and I did it. The ambulance even came into the indoor arena and he got carried away on a stretcher......taken to hospital...and stayed the night to have his broken arm reset.
Now they are talking about sending me to the glue factory where they send useless old horses......I'm so frightened!!!!!!!!! The Gov. came in the stables today and showed me his arm in plaster...he has to have it on for at least 6 weeks...even longer if they decide to cut him open and use 6inch nails to hammer the bones you think he will ever forgive me?.....I love these stables......I don't want to go to the factory. Mam said that the Gov. was only saying that to frighten me...WELL...HE DID!!!!!!!!!!!
AND its Christmas tomorrow.....will Santa still come and visit me? I deserve a present?....I'm all worried and confused.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! SANTA'S COMING TO TOWN.........that's what Mam and the Gov. told me today...........and as I have been a good boy all year (cos I have...the odd bit doesn't count)...I get to choose what he will bring me.
Now where shall I that's a good start....a whole big bag of carrots........loads , and I mean LOADS, of extra strong XXX Mints......a nice new turnout rug with a neck cover for when I get to play in the fields.....and a years subscription of my favorite not Horse and Hound.....the nice glossy "Fab Fillies"...all those lovely young horses frolicking in the fields...Ahhhhhhhh.

Don't think it will all fit into my sock....Santa will have to leave the gifts beside the stable door...its got my name on it so he won't get confused as he's getting on a bit now.

Everyone in the stable is getting excited about Santa coming....just look at those 2 little farts of ponies all dressed up in their "Sheepie" rugs and tinsel.....what exciting times...just hope he don't think he will forget do you?

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Let me introduce you to my favorite cat...Fluffy Knickers...yes,
that's really her name...even the vet calls her that. The Gov. and Mam have 4 cats...but she's the best. She came to us after some crule person abandoned her along our lane......and as you can guess, they took her in....they'r a bit soft like that.
She lives with me in our stable and when she is not sitting on my stable wall she goes to sleep in the Museum next door on my lovely 1896 Beaufort cart.
Now I would never hurt her.....well yes, I will try to give the Gov. and Mam a quick bite...a sloppy kiss actually....and yes I do nip those two little midget ponies...well its my job to keep them in order and show them who's the boss.......BUT I would never dream of biting Fluffy Knics.
All stables should have a cat...I still miss Suzie...she used to jump on my back and go to sleep.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


These are some photos showing you just what a pretty part of Ireland I live in.......winding country lanes, gently sloping hills, lakes....all very idyllic, except cars and inconsiderate drivers.

So the other day the Gov. came up with a good idea (unusual for him) ask the council if they could put up signs warning motorists of HORSES AHEAD and to SLOW DOWN along the road where we usually get taken for our exercise. Now that seems sensible to me don't you agree?.......Yes the Gov. asked an official from Cavan County Council if this could be done.

His answer was NO! ....there was no way that the council would entertain such an idea....AND WHY?........he explained that horses being ridden on the road was the same as cows straying on the road.......if there is any accident the motorist just sues the owner of the animal..........WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT???????? The idea is to prevent accidents....not to line the pockets of solicitors (oops, sorry if you are one) as they throw writs about.
SO THAT'S IT.....this council regards us majestic creatures in the same way as they do an ugly old cow....the nerve of it!!!!! but that's Cavan County Council for you....I think we deserve better.