Thursday, November 12, 2009


YES....I've got fan mail....AND she sent me a photo of herself. That's her above, she is called Lily, lives in Sussex, is 4 years old.........and is BEAUTIFUL....a real cob...just like me !!!!! Her owner runs a magazine called Nag Mag....its for all those sensible people out there that enjoy our sort of company. I'm going to get the Gov. to put it up beside my stable....ah it's so good to feel wanted.

AND I know I did not get round to doing my blog last week......I've been colic...its like a very bad tummy bad the Gov. and Mam got the vet. AND YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHAT HE DID!!!!!....he put long rubber gloves on, lifted my tail and.......NO! its too embarrassing to tell you. Enough to say that if I get a tummy acke again I am going to suffer in silence........ahh vets!!! Anyway, I feel a lot better now and am raring, or should I say rearing, to go. ha ha ha
HERE...the Gov. and Mam just got back from their hols in Morocco and have got me a present...don't know what it is yet...but they say it is to go on my back...maby a brightly coloured rug or saddle cloth...log on next week and find out.

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