Tuesday, August 19, 2008


All I,ve heard this morning is "didn't the museum look good on the telly last night" and "wow! wasn't Bess looking smart" and " those 2 little piglets of ponies looked great".I'll tell you something...What about me...I didn't get a mention...or my picture on the box. The nerve of it...I'm disgusted.
AND to make matters worse the Gov. and Mam asked me to include the web address of the TV so people who missed it can watch. The web address is www.rte.ie/news/nationwide or to get a direct link click onto www.rte.ie/news/2008/0818/nationwide_av.html?2411598,null,228 BUT why anyone should want to watch it is daft to me.
Instead they should be looking at this picture of me with the Gov. up top enjoying a glass of wine on a rideout......now thats more sensible, isn't it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rob

Couldn't get into the TV link!!

Looking forward to the museum blog.

How about putting on statistics so that Mt Tibbs can see how many people are reading his blog?


Anonymous said...

sorry spelling mistake, I should of previewed the comment before I sent it , sorry MR TIBBS!!

Alan Cox said...

Hi Mr. Tibbs. You're bored? How do you think I feel when a horse has more I.T. know how than I have? Well just watch it. This might be the first time I've ever commented on a blog, ( what an awful word! Sounds like the sort of thing we humans do when we've been mixing our spitzers,) but as your governor can verify once I've get hold of someones tail, even someone as photogenic as you, I catch up very fast!! Keep up the hoss sense!! It's great.